Apur included, as part of its 2012/2013 partnership programme, a study on young people in Paris who either live, work or study in the capital or spend their leisure time in it.
In liaison with the Paris City Council youth organisation - Mission jeunesse de la Ville de Paris et la Direction de la jeunesse et des sports - this forward looking study covers three major areas:
- An analysis of young people's living conditions from the point of view of income, employment, housing and citizenship;
- Young people's attitude towards institutional offers, particularly the way they consider and use sports and cultural amenities;
- A study on un-common practice in public space, places used in unusual and alternative ways and imagining possible developments.
This is the diagnostic phase of defining a new revised policy for young people in Paris.
The study uses a variety of methods which give rise to numerous items each marking a step in the project's evolution.
The first step produced four documents:
A statistical framework of young people in Paris
This note sketches a social and demographic portrait of 16-25 year olds. It underlines the heterogeneous character of a section of the population, of which a large part manages to make their way to independence, which entails living on their own and beginning to work after having acquired training, while other young people, generally less well armed and privileged, have a more difficult time and may become exposed to precarious circumstances.
A study of innovating youth policies in metropolises throughout the world
In the context of a partnership between Apur and Science Po a group of Masters students in “Governing large metropolises” carried out a study on youth policies in a number of big metropolises. The aim was to shed light on the situation in Paris by looking at examples from abroad and to help municipalities benefit from the innovating and original experiments concerning young populations, developed in foreign metropolises.
The study has two parts. The first part offers an overall view of initiatives carried out for the benefit of the young in fifty cities in the world, covering the areas of housing, mobility, health, employment, culture and sport and their participation. The second part concentrates on an in depth analysis of the youth policies of two cities: New York and Copenhagen.
A workshop to define and bring diagnostic elements to the fore
Apur organised a days workshop held on 28th June 2012 at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal where 80 key players involved in youth issues met. The workshop was intended to nourish collective reflection on the themes of the study and represented an important step in the study's advancement. Round tables were organised bringing together actors from diverse fields. The exchange of points of view helped to clarify the issues and paths of action and to sketch out the first ideas and propositions for the future.
The work carried out during the days workshop produced a summary report made up mainly of verbatim accounts of the plenary session talks and the exchanges which took place during the round tables.
A progress report presenting the diagnostic elements and the first lines of reflection which including Youth Zone land use map in three Parisian districts
The report brings together the main results of the first work sessions as well as a summarised and illustrated analysis of youth in Paris and their living conditions and suggests ways that they could be improved. The analysis uses statistical data, interviews with people relevant to the subject and field observations which served to make Youth Zone land use map .