Proposals for the metropolis, publication of the 2nd journal

article - têtière actu - Des initiatives pour la métropole, édition 2e journal

In December 2011, Paris Métropole published the second issue of its Journal of proposals, which reviews the progress of the 74 projects selected within the framework of the call for proposals for initiatives announced in May, 2010.

The aim of the proposals, which are developed in partnership, is to promote concrete projects which can be carried out in 2012 which provide balanced and fair solutions to metropolitan issues of housing, transport, innovation, culture, development and social solidarity, without other criteria being imposed.

Their scope is vast because proposals can apply both to the creation of events and to building infrastructures.

This experiment is about promoting and developing the immense potential of each of the territories which make up this densely-populated area and constructing the metropolis together, through an approach of joint diagnoses, exchange of experiences and concrete projects.

In June 2011, 9 new proposals for initiatives joined the scheme, bringing the total number up to 83.


Documents to download

  • Journal des initiatives n°2 December 2011

    Format : pdf, 3.34 MB