Agora of Greater Paris - The Paris Games 2024, sustainable accelerators for urban logistics?

© Agora du Grand Paris - Les Jeux de Paris 2024, accélérateurs durables pour la logistique urbaine?

Paris-Ile de France Economic Capital, the Regional Federation of Public Works and VINCI are pleased to invite you to the 7th edition of Agoras which will host
Patricia PELLOUX, assistant Director of APUR
Jonathan SEBBANE, Managing Director Sogaris
Guillaume DUCHE, VINCI Construction France Director

The AGORA will begin with a visit to the Samaritaine shipyard led by Guillaume DUCHE, Director at VINCI Construction France.
You will then discover the results of the study "The 2024 Paris Games, sustainable innovation accelerators for urban logistics" presented by Patricia Pelloux, Deputy Director of the APUR.
Jonathan SEBBANE, CEO of Sogaris will illustrate this presentation with innovative examples.
These interventions will be followed by a free exchange with the public and the discussions will be extended around a cocktail.


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