Let’s invent the Grand Paris Metropolis together: from new modes of urban production to the metropolitan challenge

The 9th Journée Grand Paris is being organised within the framework of the launch of the Chair “Developing Grand Paris -Aménager le Grand Paris-” by the Paris School of Urbanism, in partnership with the Grand Paris development and transport company -Société du Grand Paris-, the development organisation -Grand Paris Aménagement-, the housing organisation -Grand Paris Habitat- (SNI Group), the Ile-de-France public real estate organisation -l’Établissement Public Foncier d’Île-de-France- (EPFIF) and the a public sector financial institution -Caisse des Dépôts-.

Planning practices appear to be changing rapidly and fundamentally as the various projects connected with Grand Paris run their course. Take as evidence, in the first instance, the competitions and calls for ideas launched with the aim of making all the planners, promoters, developers, designers and even the users work together: “Re-inventing Paris”, “Let’s invent Grand Paris Metropolis together”, “Draw me Grand Paris”, “100 innovative and ecological neighbourhoods”, etc.  By throwing off traditional approaches, these competitions have encouraged the emergence of new approaches to planning living spaces and making sites of urban transformation more attractive.

The Day -Journée- will focus on analysing the call for projects “Let’s invent Grand Paris Metropolis together” and getting a perspective on its initial results, with discussions between the project originators, participating key players, researchers and students.
Three entries will be explored in turn:

  • The sites: geographical hotspots?
  • Ways of implementing public project management: What changes?
  • Final round groupings: what innovations in the configuration of the key players?


Documents to download

  • Programme “Let’s invent the Grand Paris Metropolis together: from new modes of urban production to the metropolitan challenge”

    Format : pdf, 1.8 MB