Paris jumps in the deep end

Why go to Trouville when one can dive into the River Seine? It is Paris City Hall’s project to make it possible for Parisians to swim in the river as an element of its bid for the 2014 Olympic Games. This said, discoveries made while cleaning the Saint-Martin Canal might discourage some people from jumping in.  Is it be possible to make the Parisian dream come true and to be able to swim in the Seine and its canals every day of the year?
- Christophe Ribet, Deputy Director of Célia Blaue’s Cabinet, Deputy Mayor of Paris in the Department of Sustainable Development, Climate, Water and Canals and Chairman of the water company Eau de Paris.
- Martin Morales, Member of the experimental urban bathing laboratory -Laboratoire des Baignades Urbaines Expérimentales-.
- Frédéric Bertrand, Architect and Urbanist at the Paris Urbanism Agency, Apur. 
Facilitated by Simon Beyrand, from the magazine Kaizen.