The shared city, urban capital and human capital

Dominique Alba, Managing Director of Apur, will participate in a round table with David Habrias Managing Director of the Kardham Group, Pierre-Jean Artins Partner Architect at Kardham Architecture and Martin Vanier geographer, professor at the Paris School of Urban Planning.

© K & In

Echoing the 1st theme on the plural city, Kardham is taking the path of the shared city for this 2nd conference. Duality between intimate and collective, urban and peri-urban, inside and outside: how does architecture adapt to this dialectic and reconcile a priori contrary or even contradictory imperatives? What is the role of the architect in the necessary cohesion and harmony of the city?

This conference cycle dedicated to architecture and town planning is organized by Interiors, a magazine created by Business Immo and in partnership with Kardham.