2018 Activity Report

All the studies, notes and data-visualisations published in 2018 are brought together in this document and trace back over the year’s activities at the Agency.

© Apur

During 2018, Apur published 75 pieces of work in the context of its work programme. The year stands out as having been very active in accompanying public policies with structuring urbanism documents such as the SCoT (Territorial Coherence Reference Procedure), the PMHH (Metropolitan Housing and Accommodation Plan), the PADD (Urban Planning and Sustainable Development Plan), which were drawn up in collaboration with the Agency’s partners.

With its half century of considerable experience in urban expertise, Apur continued to enrich the observatories it organises with new areas of works as for example the societal field, accompanying the Night of Solidarity and monitoring fragile sections of the population. In the context of the Observatory of Grand Paris Express Station Neighbourhoods, it monitored their transformation, and also produced the triennial publication of the Commerce BD (Commercial database). This material is all the richer because it covers a long period of time, data having been collected and analysed for many years by the Agency - which ensures the precious hindsight necessary when working on the longterm, a fundamental characteristic of a city. Apur also continued developing its work methods. A larger place is now given to interactive tools that give access to the  knowledge produced to the greatest number of people, for example, the work carried out in the context of Data Portraits of the 131 municipal Communes in Métropole du Grand Paris. We also led many workshops with various participants: our partners of course, but also inhabitants, and other key players in the city, because we consider that conversation is essential in the present day to bring about pertinent responses to the numerous subjects in which we are involved.  

2018 was a highly informative year: this activity report is intended to illustrate this by presenting some of the most widely distributed results. The production of knowledge, Apur’s number one mission, is rooted in history and emphasises our commitment to serving a city for all - those who live in it, those who go though it and those who arrive in it.


Documents to download

  • 2018 Activity Report

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