32nd Meeting of Urbanism Agencies "Territories and projects, the tools of governance”

actu - têtière - 32nd Meeting of Urbanism Agencies

Following 2009 in Nancy  and 2010 in Rennes, this year in October 2011, Paris  is hosting the 32nd National Meeting of Urbanism Agencies organised in partnership with the  FNAU (National Federation of Urbanism Agencies).

The Apur has been appointed to organise the event, entitled “Territories and Projects, the Tools of Governance”,  which each year draws over a thousand city and development professionals.

Structured around issues on a territorial scale and governance tools the 32nd Meeting of Urbanism Agencies will give particular focus to projects and initiatives which  enumerate,  embody  - even contradict – the many different ways of comprehending the old but still  fruitful notion of governance.

Two plenary meetings will give members of public authorities and universities and   the “public figures” present, time to open the discussion on the varying aspects of the subject.

On Wednesday 19th October, workshop visits will offer an opportunity to discover a number of projects on site within the Paris Basin and stretching as far as Amiens.  Planning methods linking the numerous active parties involved will be examined. These workshops will open the field of discussion to  experiences undergone  beyond the Île -de-France.

The meeting also aims to give space to the know-how of agencies via working-skills workshops to take place in the afternoon of Thursday 30th October. This new element on this year's 2011 agenda will put time aside for exchanges between members of  agencies and municipalities, government departments and other partners of the city on more practical and technical levels concerning the evolution of jobs and urban engineers' practices and skills.