Cultural venues, a major Grand Paris issue

Grand Paris Express and cultural venues
On 9th November 2015 the Ile-de-France Maison de l’Architecture organised an evening of debate on the subject  of culture in Grand Paris. To open the event and place things in context Dominique Alba, Managing Director of Apur, presented the study carried out by Apur: The Grand Paris Express and Cultural Venues.
This cartographic atlas is intended to nourish the cultural project of the Grand Paris Express company- Société du Grand Paris- by showing how the Grand Paris Express project can provide an opportunity for existing and planned cultural venues. It contributes to putting in place a shared cultural policy based on the rich diversity of cultural venues in the metropolis.  
The debate then brought together Véronique Chatenay-Dolto, the Ile-de-France Regional Directress of cultural affairs, Elizabeth de Portzamparc, architect-urbanist, member of the AIGP Scientific Council, Jean Djemad, Director and co-founder of the company Black Blanc Beur,  Didier Fusillier, President of the Public Establishment in charge of La Villette Park and Grande Halle, José Manuel Gonçalvès, Director of Centquatre, Co-Artistic and Cultural Director of the SGP responsible for the programming, carrying out and animating of cultural projects drawn up by the SGP and Antoine Grumbach, architect-urbanist, member of the AIGP Scientific Council.
These latter addressed two issues:
- Culture as a key element to accomplishing Grand Paris. What are the strategies for success? Can the metropolis be a leverage point for;improving what is on offer and reducing the inequalities of access to culture? What new synergies and pooling and sharing can be put in place?
- What evolution of the cultural offer is possible and desirable within Grand Paris?
What interaction will there be between the new public transport network and existing or planned cultural venues? What metropolitan interlinks can be made between venues? What place will culture be given in the new station neighbourhoods?   
The complete debate can be seen below: