While a national consultation is taking place on the political reforms of the urban policy, it is appropriate to update the diagnosis of the 14 priority districts in Paris. The analysis carried out on the basis of the Observatory's latest data shows that the differences in income between districts still exists on the whole. One c an also note that as a result of the crisis signs of degradation of the social situation in priority districts with for example a growing number of low income households or receiving minimum social benefits. Three of them have been particularly concerned in the recent period : Porte Montmartre (18th district), Flandre (19th district) et Porte de Montreuil (20th district).
The updating of the diagnosis was carried out this year by a exercise which compared the priority districts in Paris, those in Ile-de-France and France. Were the four Parisian districts confronted with less extreme difficulties than their counterparts? Whether it be on average income or the percentage of people with low incomes, Insee indicators show that on the contrary Parisian districts have on the whole as much difficulty as elsewhere. The particularity of Paris lies rather in the income gap between the disadvantaged districts those surrounding them. Also in the existence of difficulties which it hard to take into consideration in the urban policy indicators like the large amount of homeless people and undocumented immigrants.