Study on the urban redefinition of the ex-RN34 – trunk road and its surrounding areas, from the Porte de Versailles to Neuilly-sur-Marne and Chelles

Study of the urban reclassification of the ex-RN34 - Diagnostic phase

In the context of an agreement included in its 2011 and 2012 partnership programme, Apur has the responsibility of assisting the Association of Territorial Municipalities in East Paris (ACTEP) in the study on the urban redefinition of the ex-Route Nationale 34 trunk road.

The stretch of road studied covers nearly 20 km and runs from the Place de la Nation to Chelles going through four Departments: Paris (75), Val-de-Marne (94), Seine-Saint-Denis (93) and Seine et Marne (77).
This study carried out by Apur and piloted by ACTEP endeavours to:
  • high-light the economic and urban development potential of this stretch of road and the adjacent areas,
  • study the possibilities of setting up public transport on specifically reserved lanes  (bus lanes) TCSP,
  • confirm or reveal the urban and landscape qualities of the different sections of the road.
Based on a diagnosis of the territory, two main challenges have come to light:
  • The ex-RN34, a major axis at the heart of the overall development of the eastern sector of the metropolis along with the site of the Marne and its canal;
  • The ex-RN34, a space which articulates and unifies numerous big projects  (it is included in many territorial development contracts CDT), serves the extensive leisure areas along the River Marne and is a principal access route to Val-de-Fontenay.
This ancient royal highway running from Paris to Chelles can become one of the major urban boulevards of the metropolis, structuring and unifying,  recognisable and pleasant to drive along, accommodating  the necessary public transport for the mobility needs of everybody.
The conclusion of the study confirms the value of setting up public transport lanes TCSP, on the ex-RN34, particularly since a great number of bus routes already run from Chelles to Château de Vincennes, and proposes reflecting on the development of a short term, relatively light-weight, “Mobilien” type, public transport network adapted to the nature of the road, which would leave open the long term possibility of a heavier means of transport such as a tramway.
Apart from this, the study shows that the ex-RN34 has all the assets for becoming a boulevard with a metropolitan identity, with the redefinition of the road along its entire length and development projects at strategic places linked it to the site of the river Marne.
Study carried out in partnership with ACTEP


Documents to download

  • Study on the urban redefinition of the ex-RN34 and its surroundings - Chapter 1: Diagnosis

    Format : pdf, 60.96 MB
  • Study on the urban redefinition of the ex-RN34 and its surroundings - Chapter 2: Challenges on the horizon 2030

    Format : pdf, 12.65 MB
  • Study on the urban redefinition of the ex-RN34 and its surroundings - Chapter 3: What transformations for the ex-RN34?

    Format : pdf, 42.19 MB
  • Study on the urban redefinition of the ex-RN34 and its surroundings - Chapter 4: What itinerary for public transport lanes -TCSP-?

    Format : pdf, 23.13 MB
  • Study on the urban redefinition of the ex-RN34 and its surroundings - Appendices: Sections of the road and minutes of meetings

    Format : pdf, 35.11 MB