Summary of the Plaine d'Achères-Grande Arche Consultation

Consultation Plaine d'Achères-Grande Arche - Synthèse

The dynamic around the Seine axis was instigated in 2009 as an outcome of the consultation on the future of Grand Paris, Since then it has continued to grow.

The Seine axis represents one of the principal transport corridors for merchandise in Europe, the Normandy ports forming the natural maritime gates to the Parisian consumer market.

Numerous projects are under consideration one of which, the new multi-modal hub at Achères, shows evidence of an opening awareness of the need to restructure  the port system on the Seine axis and to develop alternative road transport.

It is in this climate that the Achères Municipality, in 2010, decided to consult three teams of architects - AUC / Castro-Casi-Denissof / Marniquet – to reflect on the future of Achères and its need to  accommodate the  large river port and new public transport and road infrastructure projects.

The document produced by the Parisian Urbanism Agency - Apur , proposes a summary account of this work, and some elements to help define the Seine axis projects and finally to present, theme by theme, the teams of architects' work.


Documents to download

  • Summary of the Plaine d'Achères-Grande Arche Consultation

    Format : pdf, 13.6 MB