Professional skills workshop - 3D, a tool of the future for urban planning agencies

têtière 142x114 - 32e rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme - métiers

By putting down its roots in GIS, 3D is at last becoming accessible. Originally dedicated solely to communication and for a long time only used by specialists, it is gradually becoming a a geographical 3D consultation tool potentially enormously helpful to research analysts  in urbanism agencies  when they are designing.

How can 3D serve our analyses of territories and respond to the urban issues specific to out profession (planning, urban projects, urban regulations) and to our partners' expectations (members of public authorities, technicians, inhabitants)?

How can it be used to facilitate decision making and  contribute to the visualisation of urban projects and their impact on the environment?

This participative workshop seeks to present the various experiments and innovations carried out when using the different soft-ware available to innovative agencies.

Organised by ADU - Pays de Montbélliard Urbanism and Development Agency in cooperation with the FNAU Geomatics Club

The detailed programme of the workshop can be seen on the French page.