Workshop visit – The future of a canal in the heart of the city. The Ourcq Canal

têtière 142x114 - 32e rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme - visites

The Ourcq Canal, the City of Paris' designated supplier of unfiltered water and for a long time a resource for industrial development, remains a significant natural feature in the urban landscape.

This navigable canal at the heart of the vast Seine-Saint-Denis territories where enormous changes are taking place, is becoming a major urban public space with both a  landscape and  a functional role in the future, freight transportation,  leisure activities, water resource…

How, on what terms, on what time-scale ?

Organised by Apur (Paris Urbanism Agency) in partnership with the Seine-Saint-Denis Council and the Canals section of the Paris Department of Roads and Transport.

The detailed programme of the workshop can be seen on the French page.


Documents to download

  • Map of Workshop Visit locations

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