International seminar - “Innovation and building the metropolitan identity”

International seminar - “Innovation and building the metropolitan identity”
Since 2011, the City of Paris, under the initiative of Pierre Mansat the  Deputy Mayor of Paris,  has been holding a  yearly, long-term cycle of seminars on metropolitan governance. Organised by the Science Po European Study Centre (CEE), The City of Paris, Apur and Paris Métropole the third session of this international seminar, which brings together the scientific community, will take place on 26th and 27th November 2013 at the Paris City Hall -Hôtel de Ville de Paris-.
After having addressed questions concerning the challenges and roles of those active in metropolitan governance, on a European and International level, in 2011, then having explored the issue of “Power and territories” in 2012, the 2013 seminar will be devoted to the question of the metropolitan identity: How can one build the feeling of belonging to a territory ? What are the components of a citizenship which is specifically metropolitan? In an attempt to answer these questions the examples of eight cities (Stuttgart, London, Lille, Tokyo, Barcelona, Bogota, Hamburg, Manchester) will be examined in particular detail at the round tables and plenary sessions taking place during  the two days.
On Tuesday 26th November at 2.30 p.m.  Dominique Alba, Managing Director of Apur, will present the most recent issue of the Paris Projet collection, featuring the “Atlas of the metropolis”, produced by Apur.
Information and enrolment:


Documents to download

  • Programme - 2013 International seminar

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