What's the evolution of inequality and poverty in Paris ? - The Opile one-day meeting

What's the evolution of inequality and poverty in Paris ?
The Parisian Observatory for social integration and the fight against exclusion (OPILE), of which Apur is a partner, has carried out numerous studies since 2009 which have contributed to a greater awareness of the phenomena of poverty and social insecurity on the Parisian territory.
In order to share the results of this work and more extensively the solutions put in place to address the challenges raised by the observatory's issue concerning social insecurity within a territory such as Paris, OPILE has organised its first one-day meeting on 25th September 2013.
This day  of reflection will be organised around 5 thematic round tables :
  • Observation of poverty and social insecurity within the territory : Parisian specificities.
  • Figures of the emerging issues : rôle and risks of databases in social observation.
  • Vagrancy and social insecurity on the Parisian territory : poverty in relation to public space.
  • The fragile middle classes : a new figure in social instability ?
  • Heavily indebted Parisian Households: profiles and courses of events.
Emmanuelle Pierre-Marie, sociologist and head of studies at Apur, will speak at the third round table about the study carried out by Apur on the presence of homeless people within the Parisian territory and the public authority action to help their reintegration. At the following round table she will attempt to define the fragile middle classes in Paris. Dominique Alba, Managing Director of Apur, will speak at the end of the day to close the the event.