20 March 2020 - What are the dynamics of startups in Grand Paris?

First results disclosed in the 2019 overview of the Observatory of Innovative Businesses in Grand Paris.

FAR-Créatis, an accelerator of cultural projects © Brian du Halgouet / FAR - Créati

Combien d'entreprises innovantes sont accompagnées chaque année par les incubateurs, pépinières, plateformes d'innovation de la Métropole du Grand Paris ? Quels sont leur profil et leur activité ? Que deviennent-elles ? Quels sont les principaux freins à leur développement ? Quel est leur impact au niveau territorial ?

All these questions are considered by the Observatory of Innovative Businesses in Grand Paris set up by the Paris Urbanism Agency -Apur- in partnership with thirty or so organisations (incubators, nurseries and innovation platforms…), local authorities and main key players of the ecosystem.
The approach in a nutshell
After much work carried out on innovation by Apur since 2016, the instigation of the Observatory of Young Innovative Businesses took place in 2018. The 2019 overview offers a first panorama of innovative businesses in Grand Paris and the organisations that accompany them. It proposes reliable, up-to-date data sets on the types of young businesses and their company history: the profiles of business owners and the businesses themselves, their development and growth, their sector of activity, their relationship to the ecosystem…   

In 2019, 29 accompanying organisations* - incubators, nurseries, accelerators - bringing together a total of 845 young innovative businesses, contributed to the observatory’s first year of functioning by answering a questionnaire describing young innovative businesses accompanied in 2018. They represent a quarter of support structures of this kind in the metropolis.
The aggregate results confirm known elements and add detailed and complementary information.
Out of the sample group of young innovative businesses analysed: 57% innovate by proposing a product or service, 65% raised funds during the year, 11% have a turnover of at least 1 million euros, 22% employ at least 10 people full-time-equivalent, 18% have already filed a patent. Among the management teams, only 15% are mixed, 26% include at least one woman, 94% have a project leader with at least a master’s degree, 79% include a graduate from an engineering or business school, 46% are formed of business owners with no previous entrepreneurial experience.

* 104factory / Atrium / Creatis-FAR / hôtel d'entreprises H2 /Impulse Partners / Incubateur Paris-Dauphine / Incubateur Voir& Entendre / iPEPS-ICM / La Fabrique / La Ruche / Paris Biotech Santé / ParisTech entrepreneurs / Pépinière 27 / Sciences Po Entrepreneurs / Silver Innov / Willa / Economie Circulaire / French Event Booster / Immobilier de demain / Le Swave / Le Tremplin / Level 256 / LINCC et Labo / Rhizome / Rolling Lab / Smart Food Paris / Tech Care Paris / Upper / Welcome City Lab. 
The observatory is intended to be a long-term undertaking able to measure changes. By cross-checking indicators it should offer greater understanding of the needs of innovative businesses, their relationships with the areas where they are set up and their local impact. It should also give accompanying organisations and municipalities an overall perspective of their place in the very dynamic ecosystem of innovation. 
Encouraged by the positive feedback on its first year of implementation, the observatory’s results will be refined in 2020 and data will be updated making it possible to measure the evolution and to document what becomes of businesses during the year following their accompaniment. The effects of COVID19 will appear in 2021. 
The observatory already makes it possible to identify business test-panels for making in-depth studies on targeted subjects like for example the real estate journey of businesses once having left their accompanying organisation. However, establishing reliable results for each zone, for each type of accompanying organisation and for each business sector entails the observation of a greater number of young innovative businesses. To achieve this objective it is necessary to enlarge the panel of accompanying organisations which participate in constructing the observatory. It also requires the active support of the ecosystem’s major key players and local authorities.


Press contact : communication@apur.org


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