In 2013 in the Grand Paris Metropolis (MGP), the average income available to each consumption unit (UC) per month amounted to 1,827€. This is lower than in Île-de-France (1,865 €/UC) but higher by 4.7% than in the other 15 French metropolises, which places MGP at the top of the list, ahead of the metropolises of Rennes and Toulouse.
In the Grand Paris Metropolis, income disparities are more extreme than in other French metropolises: after redistribution the income of better off households is 5.2 times higher than that of the poorest.
The income gap is still very large even after redistribution: low incomes remain in territories which benefit from it the most. This is the case notably in Plaine Commune, Paris Terre d’Envol and Est Ensemble where the poverty rate is over 25%.
A sub-communal analysis reveals numerous situations within the territories affected by redistibution.
This note, co-produced by Insee Île-de-France and Apur is founded on the Filosofi 2013 data source, which is produced by crossing fiscal data with data on social benefits. It makes it possible to calculate the available income which corresponds to the income available to households for consuming and saving after direct tax payments and social transfers.