The prize for geographical excellence was awarded to the Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme on 7th October 2015 by Rony Gal, Chairman of ESRI France. This award is recompense for Apur’s high quality cartographical work and its creation of GIS over the past 25 years. This work, developed today on the two scales of Paris and the Metropolis of Grand Paris, have enabled a solid basis of reference data on a metropolitan scale to be established in the context of wide reaching institutional partnerships, notably with the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies -INSEE-, the regional and inter-departmental administration for amenities and development -DRIEA- and the Ile-de-France urbanism agency AU-IDF.
The products of this work are available online, on the cartographic portal CASSINI developed under Arc GIS. Through an Intuitive navigation system CASSINI permits one to travel through time and subject matter that spans over many different development plans within Paris from Abbé de la Grive (1728) to those of tomorrow. Each parcel of land is documented and so it is possible to discover how the city has evolved and to understand its history, the creation of parks, streets, facilities and many other combinations in a just few clicks.
Themes dealt with over a long period of time open awareness of possible future developments which is essential for anticipating urban, societal, economic and environmental changes.
Most of the work is now available on open data and datavisualisation which will soon be accessible online on ArcGIS.
The setting up of a participatory database on “permeable spaces, urban greening and urban agriculture” will form the next stage of geomatic development.
A film, made to accompany the prize winning presentation presents the skills, tools, and uses developed over the years by Apur experts, geomaticians, cartographers, architects, urbanists, engineers…
Jean-Christophe Rufin and Denise Pumain were Chief Representatives at the 2015 Esri GIS conference, which brought together 2500 participants, experts and geomatic professionals.
Press contact:
Renaud Paque: 01 42 76 21 59