Plenary closing session

This plenary session will open with a recapitulation of the dialogues engaged in during the 13 workshop visits the previous day, setting the context for the two round tables to follow, which will be chaired by Stéphane Paoli.

The first round table will focus on the tools necessary for managing projects starting with State services, local authority services and developers, and continuing through to agencies and public establishments which constitute public partnership tools. It also will look at new participating bodies such as, for example, Centres of Research and Higher Education -Pôles de Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur- and groups of universities.

At the second round table, public authority representatives will have the opportunity to tackle the theme of governance including its institutional evolution.

In what way are the new “metropolitan hubs” created by law being taken into consideration?

How can the changes in governance of the Parisian metropolis be developed , changes not directly affected by the recently adopted law?

Some European clarification will be sought.

Finally, Vincent Feltesse will present some conclusions drawn from the three days after which Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, will make the closing address.

The detailed programme of the workshop can be seen on the French page.