Professional skills workshop - How people get around: agencies know-how

têtière 142x114 - 32e rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme - métiers

The problematics of how people get around town form one of the basic fields of enquiry investigated by urbanism agencies.  On this subject, the data resulting from household transport surveys (Enquêtes Ménages-Déplacements: EMD), provide a first-class source of reference and the know-how - savoir-faire - built up while dealing with these problematics puts agencies in the position of privileged experts as far as institutional and technical authorities are concerned.

The rich and wide variety of experience and practice which make up this know-how, nowadays needs to be more widely shared and made available to the agency network in order for it to become technically and economically more efficient. It is also important for the network to be able to exchange information more easily with its local and national partners such as - CERTU -  (Centre for the Study of Networks, Transport, Urbanism and Construction) and - GART - (Group of Authorities Responsible for Transport) and thus contribute to the development of policies and deployment of resources: there is an on-going question with regard to the costs of these surveys and to the difficulty of re-running them.

Organised by the FNAU Transport and Travel Club -Club Transports-mobilités de la FNAU- in cooperation with CERTU and GART

The detailed programme of the workshop can be seen on the French page.