Professional skills workshop - Logistics are coming to town

têtière 142x114 - 32e rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme - métiers

A moment of reflection at the point where issues raised by the right to make deliveries in a city meet: local authorities' wish to find solutions to reducing the problem of pollution emitted by goods vehicles, introduce innovative projects, respond to logistics companies' need to find new ways of working in cities and adapt to a constantly changing market.

What transformations and innovations should the economic sector be ready to accommodate? What restrictions should be imposed and what support offered by local authorities? What is the role of urbanism agencies?

Organised by Apur (Paris Urbanism Agency) and AgAM (Urbanism Agency of the Conurbation of Marseille), in co-operation with the City and Development Club

The detailed programme of the workshop can be seen on the French page.