Shops of over 300 m². Analysed by district and sector of activity

Shops of over 300 m². Analysed by district and sector of activity

This study proposes a listing and analysis of large shops in Paris. The threshold area of  300m², commonly used to define large and medium sized shops being maintained. Shops of this dimension represent 27% of the retail outlets counted in the capital but reach a total of 37% of the surface area dedicated to selling that is to say 1,230,000 m². These figures highlight by contrast the considerable space maintained by small retail outlets. Among the outlets of over 300m², the food sector  comes first (35% of outlets) which are spread evenly over the Parisian territory. Large shops providing equipment for personal use are also numerous and concentrated mainly in central areas. The cultural, recreational and sports sector is also present in the centre of Paris, while car and motor-bike dealers, DIY and gardening shops are generally located in peripheral districts. Ten large chain-stores - large shops and supermarkets - share 16% of the whole retail surface area. The development of large retail outlets is for the most part based on decisions made by the Departmental Commission for Commercial Infrastructures (CDEC), which examines the applications for setting up or extending the surface retail area over the limit of 300m². This study was carried out in the context of the 2004 program of the BDCOM convention between Paris, the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP), and Apur.


Documents to download

  • Shops of over 300 m². Analysed by district and sector of activity

    Format : pdf, 1.26 MB
  • Shops of over 300 m². Analysed by district and sector of activity - map

    Format : gif, 185.45 KB