Students in the Grand Paris Metropolis - First elements

Students in the Grand Paris Metropolis
Half a million students are in higher education in the Greater Paris - Grand Paris - Metropolis, 322,000 within Paris proper. Their numbers rose by 25% between 1999 and 2012 in the Metropolis representing an increase of 100,000 students in a conglomeration where the overall population rose by 9% over the same period. In 2012, close to one in every ten inhabitants in Paris was a student. Most of these students are mobile, 55% of them commuting to study outside the commune where they are housed.
These initial figures need to be considered in relation to the needs of this sector of the population: accommodation capacity in educational establishments and student lodgings but also specific facilities and services. Students questioned in the context of this study particularly expressed their need for libraries/work spaces and places to eat, which are by far the most used facilities.
This note is part of the study “Urban life rythmes of the student population and their needs” carried out by Apur in 2016/2017.


Documents to download

  • Note 109 - Students in the Grand Paris Metropolis - First elements

    Format : pdf, 6.98 MB