Workshop visit - Essonne-Seine-Orge : research & development, innovation and territorie, what mix of governance will bring mutual benefit?

têtière 142x114 - 32e rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme - visites

Centre Essonne-Seine-Orge (CESO), an Audesco zone of study, represents a major metropolitan territory in the south of Île de France in the “Valley of Biotechnology -vallée des biotechnologies-”.

How is a metropolitan centre structured when aided and influenced by innovation, social and territorial cohesion and sustainable development?

As the centre point of the day, the round table followed by a debate will concentrate on the issue of the governance mix of the sphere of territories and that of Research and Development. The overall theme of the meeting “Tools for Governance” will link and be addressed during all the visits proposed.

Organised by Audeso (Essone-Seine-Orge Urban Planning and Development Agency)

The detailed programme of the workshop can be seen on the French page.


Documents to download

  • Map of Workshop Visit locations

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