Workshop visit – Saint-Ouen : integrating and developing large urban public services

têtière 142x114 - 32e rencontre nationale des agences d'urbanisme - visites

If constructing a city upon a city was the open debate of the end of the 20th century, making a city with integrated urban services is becoming the open debate of the 21st century.

The example of the eco-district developing in the Saint Ouen Docks is emblematic of this issue : how can an urban heating factory and a waste disposal factory cohabit in the same district as housing, offices and businesses and at the same time having the clear objectives of developing with solidarity and in a sustainable way ?

Organised by the Apur (Paris Urbanism Agency) in partnership with the  Saint Ouen Town Council, Sequano Aménagement (developer of the  Docks mixed development zone -ZAC-), Syctom (Metropolitan agency for household waste disposal), CPCU (Parisian urban heating company) and SIAAP (Interdepartmental Syndicate  for sanitation within the Parisian metropolis)...

The detailed programme of the workshop can be seen on the French page.


Documents to download

  • Map of Workshop Visit locations

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