2023/2024 Partnership work programme

The Agency’s 2023-2024 work program, which is co-constructed with all its partners, manifests our ambition on the scale of the Greater Paris - Grand Paris Metropolis -.

Faced with the  enormous and rapid changes that have taken place since the beginning of the 21st century, coproduction is both the Agency’s  method and tool for understanding and responding to environmental and societal challenges. It allows us to get as close as possible to the challenges of each partner in order to communicate their issues to others. And symmetrically, it offers enough distance to reread and analyse the major transformations and to envisage their transfer to a more local level. From land plot to whole territory, from housing block to municipality, from neighbourhood to metropolis, the Agency explores these geographic areas with certain partners, with others it surveys the nooks and crannies between these areas of knowledge or goes outside the borderlines to examine the river links, or highlight national, European even world experiences.    

The diversity of the fields of study, both societal as environmental, is combined with the multidisciplinary know-how of the team and the numerous tools it has developed to document, decipher, accompany, highlight, project into the future, explore and share. The studies and observation notes and the forward looking analyses take the form of maps, data visualisations and digital applications, in order for them to be available to all.  When it comes to exchanging better, the context of a workshop allows common approaches to emerge enabling us to adapt the territory to the new climate regime together.   

In order to undergo these necessary changes, the Agency bases its 2023-2024 partnership work program on four major actions:

  • Document and analyse changes in the Greater Paris - Grand Paris -
  • Participate in defining public development policies
  • Instigate and develop forward looking studies
  • Produce and share a metropolitan culture


Documents to download

  • Document

    2023/2024 Partnership work programme

    Format : pdf, 25.92 MB