The social housing stock has developed in the Metropolis but not enough to fully respond to the demands of households. The stock is also characterised by an imbalance in its geographical distribution among the territories and communes. In some neighbourhoods it is very concentrated while in others there is practically none.
Carried out within the framework of the diagnostic of the Metropolitan Housing and Accommodation Plan (PMHH) which the Métropole du Grand Paris (MGP) is drawing up at the moment, this note highlights the main characteristics of the social housing stock in the MGP.
The metropolitan social housing stock amounts to over 780,000 social housing units, representing approximately 25% of main residences in the whole of the Metropolis. It is characterised by its uneven geographical distribution : 56 of the 131 communes that form the Métropole du Grand Paris (MGP) have not yet reached the Urban Solidarity and Renewal (SRU) objective, which is that 25% of main residences should be provided by social housing.
Over 190,000 social housing units are concentrated within Paris, there are around 90,000 in Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre, 68,000 in both Plaine Commune and in Est Ensemble. In the two latter areas social housing represents 40% of the housing stock.
Despite the efforts made to develop the stock and due to the high cost of housing, the social housing stock is not large enough to respond to demand. On average there are 10 applications made for 1 housing unit allocated in MGP. 490,000 households were listed as applicants for social housing in one of the 131 Communes of the Metropolis at the end of 2016 (28% of which were already housed in social housing and wanted to move).