Accompanying the Paris Pedestrian Strategy
In 2016 Apur’s work on public space studied the possibilities of developing new ways in which public space can be used based on the singularity of places and on a small scale network of passages, quiet nooks and neighbourhood squares.
The study proposes a “small scale strategy” involving these places, in harmony with their specific characteristics and with Paris as a whole, with the aim of:
- identifying places to be enhanced within districts;
- increasing development and experiments through action suited to each type of space;
- accompanying the implementation of the Paris Pedestrian Strategy, the cycling initiative - Plan Vélo -, sports trails and participatory budgeting.
The first part of the study looks at the evolution of mobility and changes in public space in Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris -. In the second chapter, the study gives a quick overview of the meaning of the term “Tactical urbanism” using examples in different cities in the world and defines the approaches possible in Paris for a shared production of public space which is economic, flexible, temporary or permanent.
The third part of the study is devoted to singular places in Paris which contribute fully to the attractiveness and identity of areas but whose development and new uses are often not much taken into consideration. Detailed cartographic portrayal of them makes it possible to identify passages which are not used, to define potential areas for developing walkways, places for putting urban furniture, quiet retreats and garden squares to be enhanced, short and wide streets which could be shut off to traffic temporarily or permanently.
In the last section, this small scale strategy is enriched by the identification of action levers such as the possible development of parking spaces on streets.