Young children – Summary Index of care needs of children under 3 years old

Young children – Summary Index of care needs of children under 3 years old
This note presents a method whereby the care needs of young children living in Paris can be assessed and prioritised district by district. It is based on the creation of a summary index capable of dealing with the concept of “need” which will combines indicators regarding the number of children under three years old, their different profiles and existing care facilities in each district. A sample index is available which includes a choice of weighting according to the indicators selected.
The result allows territory-wide readings of care needs to be made, making it possible to identify the districts which should be prioritised in the matter of young children’s care needs. It is also possible to evaluate care needs in other ways.
The chosen approach has highlighted a contrast between the southern districts of Paris which appear to be globally well-provided for, whereas the northern arc of Paris' neighbourhoods, on the right bank of the Seine, appear to have a greater need of care provision. Looking beyond the global total,  there seems to be an imbalance between  what is on offer in certain districts. In any case, where care needs have been identified, different kinds of public policy would be required, depending on the type of need and the profile of the inhabitants.


Documents to download

  • Young children – Summary Index of care needs of children under 3 years old

    Format : pdf, 3.11 MB
  • Data on young children in Paris

    Format : pdf, 11.64 MB