Logistics real estate in the Greater Paris - Grand Paris Metropolis -

Logistics real estate in the Greater Paris - Grand Paris Metropolis - © Apur

Ile-de-France is the leading logistics region in France with 20% of the national logistics real estate stock. Large warehouses are concentrated within specific areas on the periphery of the region and close to communication routes. Logistics real estate aims to meet Grand Paris’ supply needs but also to play a national and European logistics role with platforms forming a national logistics hub at the crossroads of main routes (road, waterway, railway and air).

Although the pressure on land in dense zones has led logistics players to move to areas in the  outskirts, environmental issues create the necessity that logistics real estate be located in the heart of the metropolis, as near as possible to places of consumption, in order to reduce the environmental impact of last-kilometre delivery. In addition, the ZAN (Zero Net Artificialisation) objective coupled with the implementation of the low emission zones - ZFE-m - are reexamining the forms of logistics real estate and its networking systems, leading operators to be inventive: multi-storey warehouses, Urban Logisitcs Spaces on all scales, time-share hubs in RATP bus depots or in public spaces, mobilisation of urban wasteland or disused carparks, use of the river and the shared use of its quays or railway sidings.


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    Logistics real estate in the Greater Paris - Grand Paris Metropolis -

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