In the context of the climate changes underway, Apur wishes to document the effects of heat more fully and thus participate in the H³Sensing research programme being conducted by the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm).
This 48 month research project was selected by the French NaOonal Research Agency (ANR) in 2021. Its aim is to measure the impact of heatwaves on the health of people living in Grand Paris Metropolis.
To achieve this, a sample number of 200 people will be recruited to take ambulatory measurements of thermal stress. The participants will be equipped with sensors during a heatwave so that the changes in their physiological parameters can be measured (heart rate, blood pressure, level of perspiration, quality of sleep, etc.). Participants will also be given measuring equipment during a period when then are no heatwaves. In addition to these measurements, questionnaires will be given to participants in order to be"er understand their habits and ways of life.
The Agency’s expertise is particularly mobilised within the project to characterise the heat islands present in the vicinity of residential areas and to characterise the climatic qualities of the participants’ homes. Apur will also draw up the questionnaires that deal with the climatic quality of buildings and train the people responsible for collecting the information.
The proposed schedule for the research program is as follows:
- March 2022: The project begins
- December 2023: Protocols put in place (measuring equipment developed, questionnaires drafed, authorisation applied for, etc.)
- March 2024: Participants recruited, surveyors trained, field surveys.
- September 2024: Analysis, feedback (data processing, conclusions drawn from information gathered, report prepared, results communicated as contribution to symposia and conferences)
- March 2026: End of the project