The City of Paris, the Department of Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Apur selected a panel of 56 main shopping streets in order to carry our surveys on the changes recorded in street level shops and businesses in the context of the street data base BDRues. A little over 11,000 premises were surveyed, of which just under 9,900 were occupied by shops, businesses and commercial services, i.e. 89% of the total number of premises.
The results of the surveys carried out in June 2015 and 2016 reveal the following commercial trends:
- little change in the number of shops, businesses and commercial services. Wholesale businesses are continuing to decline in number (- 23 units*) while the number of businesses and commercial services is tending to stabilise (- 58 establishments);
- a marked decline in shops selling personal and household goods ( - 48 establishments) confirming a trend observed over the last three years;
- a reduction in agencies and commercial service outlets ( - 36 establishments) as well as interior decoration businesses (-16 shops);
- a very marked increase in food shops, in particular those which are specialised ( + 42 shops), an acceleration in an increase observed since 2012;
- an increase in cafés and restaurants ( +9 establishments) but half as many as the preceding year;
- a slight increase in the number of vacant premises (+ 25 units) which, even so, only represent 5.4% of premises surveyed in 2016.
* unit: a premises in which no commercial or non-commercial business is transacted.