Parisian youth at job centres for the young -Mission Locale de Paris- Portrait of young people accompanied in 2016

Portraits of young people © Mission Locale / Shutterstock
In 2016, the Mission Locale de Paris accompanied 18,960 young people aged between 16 and 26,  that is 6% of Paris’ young population. Half of those received during the year were registering for the first time (9,064 young “first-comers”). 56% of the young people accompanied live in peripheral areas in east Paris, namely the 13th, 18th, 19th and 20th districts. A particularly high proportion of them is to be found in priority areas with 18% of accompanied young people compared with 7% in Paris as a whole. 
Young people accompanied by the Mission Locale de Paris have a specific profile which contrasts with that of the overall population of young residents on the Parisian territory. They are more often men, with an average age of 22 and are most often foreigners or immigrants compared with the general portrait of youth in Paris. Over half have no valid diploma (56% against a15% average among young Parisians) and live with their parents (52% compared with 43% of all young people in Paris).
At the end of 2016 the majority of the young people being accompanied by the Mission Locale were job seekers (43%), in active employment (26%) undergoing training (17%), as opposed to the general situation in Paris where one out of every two young people is a pupil or student. Almost two thirds of the young people monitored are neither employed nor studying (11, 840 young people).
These young people are accompanied by the Mission Locale de Paris and attend regular interventions called “events”. In 2016, 159,120 events took place, that is an annual average of 8 events per young person. Among the young people received for the first time between January and July 2016, 36% have had only one accompanying event in the year. These “uncommitted” youngsters are partly those whose integration conditions are the most favourable (more diplomas, more independence, more often in education). The “committed” young people on the other hand often have no diplomas, have accommodation difficulties and live in priority neighbourhoods.


Documents to download

  • Parisian youth at job centres for the young - Mission Locale de Paris - Portrait of young people accompanied in 2016

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